Start with the Assessment
In order to renew your certification via the Individual Learning Needs Assessment (ILNA), you must take your assessment. This assessment must be completed by January 31 of the year your certification is due to renew. It will identify the number of points you need for renewal and the subject areas where you can earn them. You can't earn points for renewal until you take the assessment.
To learn more about what to expect on your assessment, click the button below.
Accessing LearningBuilder
LearningBuilder is an online tool you will use to complete and submit your learning plan for certification renewal.
To learn more about LearningBuilder, click on the button below.
For help navigating LearningBuilder, we created a Quick-Start User Guide to the LearningBuilder application.
Follow the link below to access the User Guide to LearningBuilder.
All About Points
To renew by the ILNA method, you must earn points by completing professional development activities, such as nursing continuing education, continuing medical education, continuing pharmacy education, and more. These points should correspond with the areas in your learning plan and be entered into LearningBuilder.
To learn about finding points and applying them, visit the link below.
Information on Points for ILNA Subject Areas
Looking for continuing education opportunities in specific subject areas, but aren't sure what to look for?
Follow the link below for a list of example topics for ILNA subject areas.
Continuing education from certain conferences may also be used as points for renewal.
Follow the link below for more information on ILNA points from conferences.

Continuing Education
Click here for a list of acceptable approved bodies/providers of Nursing Continuing Education and online Continuing Education resources.

Big Lists of Free CE
Check out the ONCC Big Lists of Free CE for free or low-cost continuing education programs for certification renewal.