ILNA Renewal Information
Cancer nursing is a dynamic specialty. The knowledge needed to provide care changes frequently. Maintaining your certification shows that your knowledge is up-to-date by combining an Individual Learning Needs Assessment (ILNA) with ongoing professional development.
Taking the assessment is the first step in preparing to renew by Option 1 (Professional development points). After each time you renew your certification by Option 1 you'll take a learning needs assessment based on the current test content outline. Your assessment results identify the points you need for your next renewal. After you assess, you can earn points for renewal by completing professional development in the subject areas on your assessment results. You'll repeat this process for each renewal cycle.

When to Take the Assessment
Each time you renew by Option 1 (Professional development points) you'll take the assessment before you can earn points for your next renewal. For example: if you renew by Option 1 in 2021, you must take the assessment before you can earn points for your 2025 renewal. It's best to take the assessment as soon as possible in the first year of your certification cycle so you have time to earn points. The deadline to take the assessment is January 31 of the year renewal is due. You cannot use continuing education programs that you completed before taking the assessment for renewal points.
ONCC will email you an Authorization to Assess when you can take the assessment, usually within a few weeks of receiving your certificate packet.
Note - if you are renewing certification for the first time after passing a test you do not take an assessment. Use your test results report to identify your renewal requirements. AOCN®, AOCNS® and CPON® certified nurses do not take an assessment.
The assessment is not on this website. Check your email for a message from with the subject line "Authorization to Assess". Please contact ONCC to have your Authorization resent.
Taking the Assessment
- Allow two hours to complete the assessment process, including a navigation tutorial. It is timed. You will receive 100-115 questions. You must take the assessment in one session, you cannot exit and return to it.
- Take the assessment alone in a quiet place with few interruptions. Do not take the assessment with colleagues.
- Pace yourself. On average, don't spend more than one minute per question. If you spend too much time on questions, you may not see all questions.
- The assessment must be completed on a computer, tablet, or mobile device with a stable internet connection using the latest version of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. You must have the "cookies enabled" feature set on the browser.
Find out what to expect when taking the assessment.
Renewal Points
You can earn points for certification renewal by completing professional development activities such as nursing continuing education, continuing medical education, academic education, publications or presentations. You choose the activities.
You will record and submit your renewal points in LearningBuilder. ONCC will email you when you can access LearningBuilder through your ONCC account. Keep documentation of the points you earn (e.g., CE certificates, program descriptions). You will need this information when recording your points in LearningBuilder.
Time Period to Earn Points (Accrual Period)
- If you're renewing certification for the first time after testing, you may use points earned from the date you passed the test through the date you submit the renewal application and learning plan. You must earn all points by the final renewal application deadline.
- If you used points for your last renewal, you must take the assessment before earning points for the next renewal. You may use points earned from the date you take the assessment until the date you submit your renewal application and learning plan. You must earn all points by the final renewal application deadline date.
- AOCN and CPON renewal candidates may submit points earned since their last renewal. (AOCN, AOCNS, and CPON renewal candidates do not take an assessment.)
- If you are eligible to take the assessment, but do not do so, you may renew certification by submitting 100 points that exactly match the subject areas and weighting of the current test content outline. These 100 points may be earned from January 1 of the current certification period through the date the application is submitted. All points must be earned by the final renewal application deadline. Contact ONCC to have a 100-point plan created for you in LearningBuilder.
Earn Points for Renewal
Ready to earn and use points for your renewal? Use this step-by-step guide to help you!
Test Content Outlines – Review the certification test content outline to identify topics that qualify for points in specific subject areas
AOCN®, AOCNS® & CPON® Renewal Candidates
You will not take an assessment, but you must submit your renewal points in LearningBuilder.
- AOCN candidates - 50 points in adult oncology.
- AOCNS candidates - 50 points in adult oncology.
- CPON candidates - 50 points in pediatric oncology.
When you can access LearningBuilder
ONCC will send you an email when you can access LearningBuilder to record your renewal points.
Pass an ONCC Test in | You can access LearningBuilder |
February | March 15 |
March | April 15 |
April | May 15 |
May | June 15 |
June | July 15 |
July | August 15 |
August | September 15 |
September | October 15 |
October | November 15 |
November | December 15 |
December | January 15 |
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